Over the last 18 years, spending most of his time underwater, Garry figured that becoming an instructor and passing on his knowledge would be time well spent, and so he did just that. Having qualifications in all of the major training agencies in OC, SCR and CCR, his intrigue into various kit and configurations led him to research the theory and practicalities into Sidemount diving for which he is globally reputed.
Finding it in his nature to push himself to his limits, clearly evident in his cave diving explorations. Presenting at primary and secondary schools, dive centres and national dive shows, he’s a former training director of RAID UK & Malta which he left to concentrate on his own facility, Simply Sidemount & Simply Tec,
An Instructor Trainer, recreational, technical and cave diving instructor, a key member of the Nautilus testing team as well as an ambassador for Ammonite System, Fourth Element and DiveSoft, exploring newly discovered cenotes in the Yucatan district, Mexico as well as mines and caves in UK, France, Spain and other mainland European desitnations.
“Teaching and diving around the world, there’s not many people who have the privilege to be able to call this surreal, enticing and inspiring underwater realm their office, but I’m humbled to be part of it”
Garry uses teaches with Ammonite System primary and back up lights as well as having XDEEP Stealth 2.0 sidemount and backmount product in his school for students.