Martin Robson is a rare breed of person, in that he combines his love of exploration and adventure with his passion and ability to teach and inspire others. Martin has spent many years honing his personal skill set in extreme survival situations and risk environments where motivating others and optimising teamwork is the only way to ensure survival. He understands the best way to share this knowledge with others, and along the way realised that he had the ability to inspire others to exceed their own perceived limits.
Martin has explored places on Earth where, to date, he is the only person ever to have been, these have all been in the extreme and hostile environment of being both underground and underwater.
Martin is passionate about pushing the boundaries of human performance and knowledge through exploration and scientific experiment. His diligence and self-discipline combined with an enviable child-like curiosity for knowledge development have led him to be involved in exploration work with many prominent scientists around the world.
Martin has presented around the world, at many well-attended conferences, to fellow explorers, academics, scientists and corporate audiences.